Collaborative Map

Collaborative Map

Explore Our Collaborative Map – a dynamic space designed for our community to share and explore experiences related to our Edufire experiences and projects.

This interactive map serves as a canvas for all of us to mark our location, share insights, and celebrate the diverse perspectives that contribute to our collective learning about wildfires.

What You’ll Discover:

  • Get an in-depth look at various projects undertaken by our community members.
  • Explore firsthand accounts, insights, and stories shared by fellow students.
  • See the multitude of perspectives and ideas shaping our Edufire Toolkit Project.

Access the Collaborative Map and begin exploring the various markers, each representing a unique project experience. Feel free to add your own insights and experiences to enrich this collective platform. To contribute, simply fill out the form to add your input to the map.

To maintain the quality and relevance of contributions, follow the guidelines:

  • Ensure your contributions are related to the Edufire Toolkit project and maintain professionalism.
  • Respect the work and contributions of others.
  • Use the provided platform responsibly and avoid any inappropriate content.
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