The project

What is this all about?

We provide educational resources to change the wildfire paradigm. We will work to awake the curiosity and interest of young students in relation to wildfires by exploring and understanding their surrounding community and environment.

What is EduFire Toolkit?

The project has the purpose to educate high school students (12 to 16 years old) on wildfires prevention through a project-based learning (PBL) methodology by including a multidisciplinary approach.

High school students and teachers from Portugal, Spain and Ireland will co-create, together with project experts, a toolkit with a set of guidelines, activities, and resources, reproducible among other European educational communities, with the aim to understand and face present and future wildfires.

Our Goal

We urgently need to inspire and prepare the youth of today, so they can understand, manage and raise awareness about the uncertainties of future wildfires.

Our Target

Secondary school students (12 to 16 years old), teachers, educators, families, local communities.